While hiking Devil’s Backbone Open Space in Loveland, CO I encountered a colony of Red Harvester Ants. It was a gravel dome about 3 ft wide. The vicinity of the nest had been surgically cleared of vegetation and debris by the ants. At first I didn’t consider trying to photograph them. Between the Ant’s tiny size and constant motion, they’re usually impossible to shoot without being under somewhat controlled conditions. I had all the necessary equipment with me though, so what did I have to lose? This would be my first time using my new, super-cheap mini flash by Neewer and a DIY flash diffuser. Though macro flash configurations are usually complex, in this case each piece was miniature because I was using my Olympus Micro 4/3 system. The ants were coordinated and fastidious. My flash diffuser, which I made out of a plastic beverage container, plowed into the ant mound as I pushed my lens close to the ants. Dozens of ants immediately began picking up tiny gravel pieces in their mandibles and moving them back in place. Soldiers were mobilized and began attacking the diffuser. They locked themselves to the plastic edge of the diffuser with their powerful jaws while trying to penetrate it with their stingers. I was shooting at about 3:1 magnification with the Rayonx 250 filter attached to my Olympus 60mm lens. Getting precise focus and a deliberate composition was almost impossible as the ants were zipping through the frame like Ferraris. I didn’t get a lot of keepers, but I do really like the shot above. The $34 Neewer flash with my DIY diffuser performed beyond my hopes as the illumination looks like natural light to me.
Camera: Olympus OM-D E-M5 II
Lens: Olympus M.Zuiko 60mm f2.8 Macro
Filter: Raynox 250
Configuration: normal
Extension Tubes: no
Image Stack: no
Stackware: n/a
Aperture: f/11
Shutter Speed: 1/250th sec
ISO: 200
Light Source: Neewer Mini Flash with DIY plastic diffuser
Stabilization: Handheld
Subject Size: 1 cm
Species: Red Harvester Ant (Pogonomyrmex barbatus)
Location: Loveland, Colorado
Equipment used:
Olympus OM-D E-M5 II
Olympus Zuiko 60mm Macro Lens
Raynox 250 Macro Adapter Lens
46-43mm step-down ring
Neewer Mini Flash
Articulating Flash Arm
Olympus Flash Cable
Flash Bracket
- The equipment for diffused field flash is more bulky than the camera itself.